Thursday, December 27, 2007

my first crappy and so curry post

a'kum to all al jaleel members!

tahniah to aji for starting this blogspot!.

ok, for my first posting, i nak point form je few things pasal my wedding event kat buloh and dewan felda.

(i) masa hari nikah, i felt makeup kat muka cair k, masa tengah tunggu rafek kat pelamin tu. literaly rasa cm hidung tengah cair...nirah, ingat tak? hahaha

(ii)kalau masa hari sanding tu, if you noticed, masa i nak jalan ke rafek, i mcm kejap laju kejap slow, its because i dengar too many arahan, ada yg kate "farah jalan slow" then abah in his usual
way was shouting "farah jalan laju jalan laju" hahahaha.. and i had to make sure i tak buat muka confuse...

(iii) ok masa kat dewan pulak, cake tu sebenarnya is a fake cake, kalau aji tengok dekat dekat, its actually made out of polysterine (sorry spelling out..haha), and if you also noticed masa nak ke upacara potong kek tu i tertiba terbehenti, its because my "purple jala" tu tersangkut kat tangga... ayo da panik da, rafek da nak ke depan, i had to stop him cause rasa kepala nak tercabut, eh i mean crown i nak tercabut.... good thing nirah cecepat noticed..hehehe..

nanti sambung lagi ait...


aji said...

ya kak frah...
pe2 pun tahniah wat akak n abg rafek...semoga kekal ke akhir hayat hendaknye...amin....

Jingga Studies said...

alrite!....from the pengantin herself...keep it coming!...gambar kat dewan tu my camera tu gegar sikit lah so tak best..nanti nak kecek yeye suruh upload his...dia ambik black and white...canggih! ...lagi satu farah, addkan rafek to aljallel's mailing list!!!

and finally mari kita keep on meng update blog ni ...calling ezalman and syikin + abg azrul and kak awa other aljaleel bloggers!

~ azlie ~